KefStrat - Development of sustainable measures to control drosophila suzukii in Austrian fruit and w

The project focussed on the susceptibility of different crops to drosophila suzukii, recognising the need for flies in the crop and finding the most environmentally friendly strategies for controlling them.

Berries (especially blackberries and raspberries), elderberries, cherries and apricots in later ripening years and some early ripening grape varieties (e.g. Blauer Portugieser, St. Laurent, Rotburger (Zweigelt)) proved to be particularly at risk.

As part of the KefStrat project

- laboratory trials to reduce cherry vinegar flies and their developmental stages,

- field trials for sustainable control of the fly in elderberries and vines,

- trials to control developmental stages of the cherry vinegar fly on the ground to reduce the infestation pressure,

- use of non-residue-relevant gases against fly stages in berries in storage,

- strategies for influencing fly behaviour using fragrances and coloured light and

- observations on the susceptibility of the various crops and observations on population development

carried out.

A suitable strategy for fly control in processing crops was the spraying of rock flour in combination with “Speiter”-based wetting agents or latex.

They are effective against egg-laying flies and can be used alone or in combination with standard insecticides. Treatments of soft fruit (blackberries, raspberries) immediately after harvest in storage with non-residue-relevant gas (very low concentration of nitrogen monoxide) killed almost all eggs and larvae of the fly.

The build-up of fly populations on the ground was significantly reduced by insect-pathogenic nematodes.

This strategy could be suitable for soft fruit in the future. The flies reacted very differently to light of different colours, red had an attractive effect, blue had a deterrent effect on the flies. Future control measures could possibly be based on this fly behaviour.


Project management at the W&O RTD: Dr Monika Riedle-Bauer

More information:

Projekt KEFSTRAT, HBLA und Bundesamt für Wein- und Obstbau Klosterneuburg (

Broschüre_KEFStrat.pdf (