Leova Smart - How intelligent weather and leaf sensors improve fungus and frost forecasting in viney

Weather stations form the basis of forecasting models for predicting pests and diseases in viticulture. In practice, the data acquisition of the 100 to 300 ha measuring radii as well as positioning at a height of 2 metres above the canopy area of the vineyard often leads to incorrect forecasts.

The leova sensors are installed at micro-regional and topographically different locations - if possible in relation to existing weather stations. They provide differentiated weather data, which is used to improve the algorithms in the existing Vitimeteo forecasting model. In addition, the wineries can view the collected data via an app.

In the canopy area - the place where infections predominantly occur in viticulture - humidity occurs later due to the leaf protection and lasts longer. The microclimate in the canopy wall can therefore not be correctly recorded by the free-standing weather stations. The Smart Poles can record these small regional differences.

The information collected via Smart Poles using intelligent leaf sensors provides even more detailed information about the actual development of diseases, so that targeted plant protection measures can be taken and pesticides can be saved. A particular scientific focus is on the influence of the leaf moisture sensor on the warning prediction of the plant diseases oidium (powdery mildew) and peronospora (downy mildew), which are of particular economic importance due to their considerable damaging effect.

Project funding: FFoQSI Austrian Competence Centre for Feed and Food Quality, Safety and Innovation Programm: COMET – Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies Förderlinie: COMET-Zentrum (K1)

Project manager at W&O RTD: Franz G. Rosner